Matplotlib 艺术家参考#

此示例显示了 Matplotlib 的几个图形原语(艺术家)。 艺术家完整列表记录在 艺术家 API 中。

另请参阅 圆,楔形和多边形,它将所有艺术家组合成一个 PatchCollection

版权所有 (c) 2010, Bartosz Telenczuk BSD 许可证

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.path as mpath

# Prepare the data for the PathPatch below.
Path = mpath.Path
codes, verts = zip(*[
    (Path.MOVETO, [0.018, -0.11]),
    (Path.CURVE4, [-0.031, -0.051]),
    (Path.CURVE4, [-0.115, 0.073]),
    (Path.CURVE4, [-0.03, 0.073]),
    (Path.LINETO, [-0.011, 0.039]),
    (Path.CURVE4, [0.043, 0.121]),
    (Path.CURVE4, [0.075, -0.005]),
    (Path.CURVE4, [0.035, -0.027]),
    (Path.CLOSEPOLY, [0.018, -0.11])])

artists = [
    mpatches.Circle((0, 0), 0.1, ec="none"),
    mpatches.Rectangle((-0.025, -0.05), 0.05, 0.1, ec="none"),
    mpatches.Wedge((0, 0), 0.1, 30, 270, ec="none"),
    mpatches.RegularPolygon((0, 0), 5, radius=0.1),
    mpatches.Ellipse((0, 0), 0.2, 0.1),
    mpatches.Arrow(-0.05, -0.05, 0.1, 0.1, width=0.1),
    mpatches.PathPatch(mpath.Path(verts, codes), ec="none"),
    mpatches.FancyBboxPatch((-0.025, -0.05), 0.05, 0.1, ec="none",
                            boxstyle=mpatches.BoxStyle("Round", pad=0.02)),
    mlines.Line2D([-0.06, 0.0, 0.1], [0.05, -0.05, 0.05], lw=5),

axs = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6), layout="constrained").subplots(3, 3)
for i, (ax, artist) in enumerate(zip(axs.flat, artists)):
    artist.set(color=mpl.colormaps["hsv"](i / len(artists)))
           aspect=1, xlim=(-.2, .2), ylim=(-.2, .2))
Circle, Rectangle, Wedge, RegularPolygon, Ellipse, Arrow, PathPatch, FancyBboxPatch, Line2D

脚本总运行时间:(0 分钟 1.570 秒)

Sphinx-Gallery 生成的图库